
This blog is part of an ecosystem I configured to make my life easier when switching back and forth between all the different projects I have on the go at any point in time. As of writing, these fall under the umbrella of “”, and I have a couple goals for deployments targeting the domain - mostly because I am scatterbrained at the best of times.

The motivation

I want a central home on the internet that I can use to quickly prototype and launch experiments from. Things like making a playground with WebGL, PoC integrations with Spotify, self-managing Foundry instances for friends to use for Dungeons and Dragons, and somewhere to drop writing ideas and learning articles that I found useful.

This blog is intended to keep me accountable for - if not finishing - at least synthesizing progress I make on my side projects. It seems reasonable then to create this initial post summarizing the process so far (even though it’s not exactly the most original).

The criteria

  • One push = one deployment: no remembering to go click an extra button for things to be updated.
  • Low cost: I don’t want to give the big cloud providers any more money than I need to. In the future I may even move to self hosting, but without being a member of the home-owning class it’s a bit hard to justify fancy home networking.
  • Low cognitive load: I throw myself in and out of projects intensely, and if I don’t come back for a couple months at a time I need to be able to pick up and write a blog post or fiddle with a css widget without too much overhead

The stack

With the criteria laid out, I decided on my tech stack:

  • Hugo for the blog
  • React for the first experiment site (generously intended to be a portfolio, but we’ll see)
  • AWS Lambda for any non-static functionality I might need for now
  • Terraform for IaC concerns
  • Github Organization for source control
  • GoCD for deployment orchestration

Steps to replicate

  1. Initialise a repo to hold the bootstrapping infra
  2. Configure terraform state bucket and lock tables in your provider of choice for remote state for the subsequent steps. I did this in AWS using the code found in my chaotically-pipelines-infra repo.
  3. Set up GoCD integrations with your cloud provider (in my case AWS for now) to allow the pipeline to reach into the account and make required changes
  4. Set yourself up with a new monorepo in your preferred fashion, I am familiar with yarn so I stuck to the typescript yarn tooling.
  5. Create a hugo project in one section of your monorepo
  6. Create a frontend package, and a backend package if desired, and happy developing

My final project push kicks off the following pipeline tooling:

Deployment pipeline configuration

Next steps

Adding commenting functionality is up there, and I’d like to try to emulate the work done here: to avoid using Disqus.